Burningthumb Studios Приложения

Video Promotions
Burningthumb Studios
Video Promotions is an OEM (also known aswhite label or licensed) version of Video Kiosk. It demonstrateshow I can create a version of Video Kiosk with your branding foruse in your digital signage business. If you are interested in anOEM version of Video Kiosk please contact me.
Video Kiosk RSS Widget
Burningthumb Studios
Tall and Wide RSS Ad supported Widget for Video Kiosk
Video Kiosk Image Widget 1.2.0 (200618)
Burningthumb Studios
LICENSING: $1.99 / device To purchase enterprise licenses, contactus. Free Version - displays a sample image. Note: This widget isintended for enterprise customers creating digital signage usingVideo Kiosk. If you are looking for a free consumer image widget,this is not the App Widget you seek. Video Kiosk supports digitalsignage using either a full screen or a split screen layout. In thesplit screen layout, three areas can host standard Android AppWidgets. While there are literally thousands of App Widgetsavailable, there wasn’t an image display widget that scaled imagesto fit the view so we developed the Video Kiosk Image Widget. TheVideo Kiosk Image Widget is designed to scale and display images tofit the widget areas B, C and D when Video Kiosk is using splitscreen mode. You can display an image or alternate between twoimages. Using multiple instances of the widget, you can alternatebetween an unlimited number of images. Video Kiosk Image Widgetruns on Android 4.4 or later and is compatible with any AndroidDevice. FEATURES - Scales and Displays Image to fit the sidebar,bottom bar or bottom corner of digital signage view (Areas B, C andD) - Option to alternate between images to prevent burn-in - Freetrial. The Image Widget includes an image for demonstration. Onceyou purchase and activate a license, you can add your own images.TECH SPECS System Requirements: Android 4.4 or later Compatibility:Any Android Device ADDITIONAL ENTERPRISE SUPPORT - If you prefer tomaintain the Image Widget source code yourself, a non-exclusive,not for resale, source code license is available. - If you areinterested in a customized version of this widget, please contactus directly.
Video Kiosk Date & Time Widget
Burningthumb Studios
LICENSING: $1.99 / device To purchase enterprise licenses,contactus. Free Version - displays the time in the default font,defaultfont color, and with a sample background image. Note: Thiswidgetis intended for enterprise customers creating digital signageusingVideo Kiosk. If you are looking for a free consumer date andtimewidget, this is not the App Widget you seek. Video Kiosksupportsdigital signage using either a full screen or a splitscreenlayout. In the split screen layout, three areas can hoststandardAndroid App Widgets. While there are literally thousands ofAppWidgets available, there wasn’t one that would display time tothesecond, so we developed the Video Kiosk Date and Time Widget.TheVideo Kiosk Date and Time Widget is designed to fit thebottomcorner widget area (Area D) when Video Kiosk is using splitscreenmode. You can display a background image or alternate betweentwoimages behind the date and time. Video Kiosk Date and TimeWidgetruns on Android 4.4 or later and is compatible with anyAndroidDevice. FEATURES - Displays the time to the second and thedate -Configurable font size and font color - Displays a backgroundimage- Option to alternate between images to prevent burn-in -Freetrial. The Date and Time Widget uses the default font size,fontcolor, and a sample background image for demonstration. Onceyoupurchase and activate a license, you can configure the widgetwithyour preferences. TECH SPECS System Requirements: Android 4.4orlater Compatibility: Any Android Device ADDITIONALENTERPRISESUPPORT - If you prefer to maintain the Date and TimeWidget sourcecode yourself, a non-exclusive, not for resale, sourcecode licenseis available. - If you are interested in a customizedversion ofthis widget, please contact us directly.
Video Kiosk
Burningthumb Studios
Loop video, images, web pages, digital signage, interactive kiosk,remote update
ShredIt Mobile
Burningthumb Studios
Free 7-Day Trial Period - you can try before you buy Subscription-annual Permanently Delete Data on an Android phone, tablet, TVandprotect your privacy with this easy to use app that will wipedatafrom any Android device so it can’t be recovered. Easy touse,ShredIt, comes with a proven track record as well as aconfigurableoverwrite pattern, multiple overwrites, governmentstandard writepatterns (DoD, DoE), and will wipe the internal andexternalstorage on your device. Features - Wipes free space ofinternal andexternal storage (flash drive memory) - Proven TrackRecord:ShredIt has been successfully erasing data since 1991. -Easy touse: You up and running in less than a minute. - With anaccuratetime estimate and status display, you’ll know exactlywhat’shappening and how long it will take. - Standards Compliance:USDept of Defense (DoD 5220), US Dept of Energy (DoE)electronicshredding standards, Gutmann - Overwrite Options: Aconfigurableoverwrite pattern and number of overwrites. UsingShredIt to erasean Android phone, tablet or TV is easy! Here’s whatyou do: 1.Delete the private data and private apps from your device2. OpenShredIt 3. From the Settings screen, pick your overwriteoptionsand run the app. Your overwrite options determine how longit takesthe job to complete. If you choose more overwrites, likeusing theGutmann standard, the job will take longer. You can watchtheprogress on the Progress screen. 4. From the Shred screen,clickthe Shred button to start the job. ShredIt does the rest foryou.When the operation is complete, the private data on yourAndroiddevice will be permanently deleted so it can’t be recovered.UsageNotes - Only data that is in the free space will be erased.Theeasiest thing to do is to uninstall the App(s) and thenuseShredIt. If you still need the Apps, re-install them later. -It'snot possible to uninstall some Apps. In that case, get the Appinfo(Long press and drag the App onto the info icon), clear itscache,clear its storage, and Force Stop the App. Then wipe the freespacewith ShredIt. ShredIt is a subscription-based, privacy appwith a100% fully functional (all features / no ads) free trialperiod. Ifyou want to make a volume purchase or cannot afford asubscription,contact us. ShredIt - well-written, easy to usesoftware, for lessthan the price of a cup of coffee each monthWHERE TO LEARN MORE -Watch the Video - Visit our site and Learnmore
Size Matters
Burningthumb Studios
Change what you weigh and eat what you want with this lifestyle App
Drive Download
Burningthumb Studios
Automatically Download from the cloud to your Phone, Tablet orAndroid TV
iDrone 5.3.3
Burningthumb Studios
Fly your drone over the city and in the hills. Destroy the enemiesof freedom.
Coconut Hut 2.5.0
Burningthumb Studios
You, your friend Ami, a tropical Island, playing games. Need I saymore?
AD 2442 2.3.1
Burningthumb Studios
Retro space shooter with a 3D twist. Avoid the hazards and collectthe pickups.
BTS Kart 2.2.1
Burningthumb Studios
A fun karting game for all ages!
Mars 2055 2.7.0
Burningthumb Studios
Alone. On Mars? One way home. Are you ready for what lies ahead?
Mars 2055 2.7.0
Burningthumb Studios
Alone. On Mars? One way home. Are you ready for what lies ahead?
Video Kiosk Weather Widget
Burningthumb Studios
Displays current weather, fits Video Kiosk app vertical digitalsignage sidebar
Burningthumb Studios
The proven App that overwrites the free space on InternalandExternal storage
Nearby Photos
Burningthumb Studios
Share photos with devices that are nearby using Bluetooth and WIFI
BTS Net Pong 1.5.1
Burningthumb Studios
A mullet. A vague memory of the 70s. A network. Breakout Pong(andClassic Pong)